Saturday, May 30, 2009


Sorry I didn't post yesterday I have come down with a sinus infection so I have been feeling a little under the weather my self.

Anyways, the CT scan of Cory's chest came back clear. He does have what is called atalectisis which is not that big of a deal it just means that there is some leftover stuff from his pneumonia. Unfortunately we had to stay another night because they wanted to do another CT scan today of his stomach to see if they could pin point the pressure and pain that Cory was experiencing. He just got back from that procedure and we should get the results back shortly.

Yesterday was a pretty relaxed day. Since we got here to the hospital they have been giving Cory a new pain medicine that has been working wonders. He has been really comfortable so that's a plus. Cory feels like his trunk exercises have been helping a lot. He even said that sitting up on the side of the bed in PT yesterday was a lot easier. So over all as far as the GBS is concerned he is making some GREAT progress.

Well the Dr. just came in and said that the stomach CT looks good. So we are thinking that the pressure and pain that Cory was experiencing was from starting on a puree diet, and or his feeling coming back inside his body.

We will probably go back to the skilled nursing facility for the weekend and then on Monday they are wanting to move Cory to the REHAB FACILITY!!!! Yeah we are really excited that we are another step towards our goal of bringing Cory home!!!!

Thank you for your prayers...they are working!!!

Ok so I wasn't going to write about this but Cory thinks I should.

So last night I came to the hospital to drop off some stuff to Cory and while we were talking about the day he told me that earlier they had a fire drill and when that happens all of the patients doors close automatically and it was really scary for him. We even joked that if there was a real fire that there was no way that he would be able to get out of the hospital and he would die.

As I was leaving it was about 10:30pm and I was waiting in the elevator hallway and all of a sudden...yup you guessed it...the fire alarm started going off...and yes the "fire doors" started CLOSING in on me in the elevator hallway....And I was like "o heck no I am not going to be stuck in the elevator hallways by myself" so I make a mad dash for the waiting room before the doors close. Well it didn't do me much good because the waiting room was also all blocked off. So I am standing there trying to look in the window to the nurses station and the nurses are looking back at me like I am some crazy person. Then on the loud speaker they announce that the smoke alarm in the break room on level two is what sounded So I start thinking. "o great some appliance blew up and this a real fire" I started freaking out. And out of no where a construction worker comes into the waiting room and asks me if I know what to do and I say no but do you know where the stairs are and hes like ya follow me.

Let me interject here. First of all we were on the 6th floor. Secondly he was a younger like 25 year old Mexican with a really strong accent and I could barley understand him.

So as we are RUNNING down these flights of stairs a few thoughts are running through my head. First I am saving myself should I be going back to try and save Cory haha and second this probably isn't the safest thing for me to be doing being in a stair well with some strange man. O well I just kept running. So after checking every floor to see if the doors we unlocked yet we finally got down to the lobby and the security guard tells us that it was BURNT POP CORN!!!! OMG I could not even believe this. So I tell the security guard that I was parked at the ER entrance and asked him where to go and he said well its a long walk but go to the right and follow the building around. So George or Jorge who knows which because he was Mexican said that he was parked in the same place and so we started walking. So Gorge was talking my ear off the whole time, he was really nice but I could barley understand him and the words that I did understand was the "F" word every other word haha WOW!!! Finally we hit a dead end. Luckily there was a nurse there that said we were sent the wrong way HAHA. Also she asked if we had been locked out and I said no we were locked in and she said o no if the fire marshall even knew that we broke through "fire door zones" the hospital would get fined a bunch of money...I wanted to say WHATEVER lady I wasn't going to get burned to death because of your FIRE ZONE CRAP hahah.

So George and I turn around and walk all the way back to our cars. Wow it was quite the experience. Then when I got to my car where I had left my phone I called my sister in law who was in the room with Cory and told her what happened and she just started laughing because they were just chillin in the room.

Good times. I hope that story made enough sense and you got a good laugh.


1 comment:

  1. I love that you can laugh during everything.. that will really help. :) I am glad that the story was funny and not a real fire. It sounds like Cory is making some great progress all in all and I am so happy for all of you. Our prayers continue on for your family. Keep laughing Chaney. :)
