Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

So this morning I woke up to a phone call from the facility where Cory is at and, I seriously get so nervous when they call. However, this morning it was ok. They called to say that today Cory was scheduled to get a SHOWER!!!!

Now, I have to interject a few background facts here. First of all, Cory LOVES showers probably more than anyone reading this fact, if you are in our old ward you probably remember when we first moved in we were asked to speak one Sunday and, who knows what the topic given to us to speak on was, but Cory, trying to make a point and use an object lesson, spent 6 of his 15 mins of his talk describing his morning shower in great detail and that talk or rather, that part of the talk, was NOT forgotten by anyone in the congregation that day haha. He has a strange love affair with his showers and most days takes more than one and some days if time allows more than two and when we were sick with the flu as a family before this very ordeal he joke...taking FOUR SHOWERS A DAY... because he said it was the only thing that made him feel good.

Second fact...Cory hasn't had a REAL shower in 3 weeks. They have been giving him bedside sponge baths but come on how many times can you put leave in / no rinse shampoo on a persons head...I really don't think that's very sanitary.

So now that you have the facts let me describe the shower. First of all when they called me this morning they said that I was allowed to bring Cory his own shower supplies if I wished. So you better believe I went to the store on my way this morning and bought EVERY good scrubbing pad, scrubbing gloves, lufa, yummy shampoo, shower gel, anything that I could find that might be beneficial for this event.

Next, Cory and I both when we heard that he was going to get a real shower we were wondering how the heck they were going to pull that off since he is still mostly paralyzed. So this is what they do. They bring in a human sized sling and put it under him and attach it to this crane type machine that has a hydraulic system and pick him up and he looked like a baby in a blanket and the stork was going to drop him off. Then they roll him over and set him down on this bed made of PVC pipe and this weird foam cushion stuff and they un hook him from the crane and roll the shower bed into the shower room. Now the shower room has just been newly remodeled and it was gorgeous. The whole thing floor to ceiling is beautiful tile and they have one huge stall with two shower heads and if he got cold they had heat lamps that we could turn on.

So lets just say the scrubbing began and Cory said it was heavenly to take a REAL shower. (who wouldn't want to just lay in a shower and let someone else do the work...I know that most mornings I would love that haha) so that was Cory's first real shower extravaganza. And let me tell you he felt and looked and most importantly SMELLED like a new man.

As far as the rest of the day went...

Cory sat up in his leather lazy boy that his brother was kind enough to bring down for him. Then during PT on his legs Cory's IV just popped out of his arm for no reason so they had to try to put it back in and it took 4 tries to put back in because his veins are seriously "shot".

Also, after I went home this afternoon, I got several pic. messages from Cory's brother and sister of Cory practicing his writing skills on a white board and it wasn't half bad.

And finally when OT came by, he is the head of the rehab department at the facility, he couldn't believe how well Cory is doing and he said that tomorrow when they have their meeting with the Dr. and Case worker that he is going to push for Cory to be moved to the acute rehab facility sooner than expected.

Wow, what a full and AMAZING day its been. All I can say is THANKS to each and every one of you for yours Prayers and Thoughts. I know that is what is causing all of this good news and speedy recovery. I know we still have a ways to go but I am in awe at all of the good things that have been happening lately.


  1. Now that C doesnt stink so bad maybe I will bring down a chick-fil-a sandwich and the baby food grinder and fulfill one more of his favorite food wishes;0)

  2. Yay for showers! So they bathed him like they transport a whale? Or at least that is how I pictured it.

  3. Chaney, I cannot believe everything you have been going through. Kim Allen told me about it and this blog. As I read it I just want to cry for your family.. but I am SO glad he is doing better! And I DO remember the shower talk! :) Classic! Hope days continue to get better. You are in our prayers! -Mary Ann Layton
