Thursday, June 4, 2009

Good Day

I mentioned in some earlier posts that Cory's IV just popped out of his arm during a PT secession. Well ever since then he has had the WORST luck with IVs staying in him, or failing once the nurse finally gets it in. So finally 2 weeks ago at the skilled nursing facility they put a mid line in with the help of a specialists and so when he went to the hospital for his stay and now his rehab center he has refused to let them take it out at either place. At both places they have refused to use the mid line at first because they were not the ones who put it in but both times they have ended up using it because theirs DIDN'T WORK!!! Poor Cory has seriously 25 poke marks where people have tried and failed. With that said after deciding that finally we think he wont need his mid line any longer they took it out last night. Yeah one less foreign object in his body.

Also, the Dr. is hoping to take the trech and the g-tube out probably early next week!!!!!!

Today was a good day in therapies...In OT Cory did more arm exercises to build up is beautiful biceps. He also got some rubber bands to do exercises in bed and his favorite part was he got a huge wad of silly putty to help with his fine motor skills.

In ST Cory got the ice therapy again where they take these freezing cold metal sticks and rub them along different muscles in his face. We are seeing some big improvements in his facial muscles. He has an awesome half smile on his left side and he is now moving his left eye independently and can close it all the way if he really concentrates. His right side is still weak but Cory and I think its funny that when he tells jokes the nurses sometimes don't know if he is serious or kidding because his face just stays the same.

Finally in PT Cory got very worn out. They started him on the double barres and just stood him up for a second. This was very very difficult and the therapists and his "Muscle" (his name is Larry) were standing on either side of him pretty much holding him up because he is still to weak to do it on his own. Since Cory is still pretty unsteady and in so much pain they decided to put him in the standing frame and he was able to stand for about 5 min. before the pain became unbearable. Cory says that as soon as he puts any weight on his legs, feet and hips he feels excruciating pain and like his energy gets immediately ZAPPED out of him.

All in all in was a good day.


  1. I have tears in my eyes reading your last 2 posts. We know how hard Cory's working and we're so proud! So many similarities with what B did. We know exactly what you're talking about. Great job Cory and Chaney! Keep up the great work! Loves!

  2. yay cory!! keep working hard! you are progressing so well. we are so proud of you :) our thoughts and prayers are still with you daily :) love ya!!!
