Saturday, May 9, 2009

This is what he's fighting for...


  1. so precious. sniff, sniff. May peace be with Cory and his loved ones.

  2. this is such a sweet post! i'm sure all cory can think about is getting home to his girls. our prayers are with him day and night

  3. Hey Chaney, I read about Cory's dry mouth and wanted to let you know there is a product called Oral Balance Gel for dry mouth. You can get it at Walgreen's, CVS, or Wal-Mart. The link to the product website is

    A rep for the company came to our school works in an ICU and she has used this on some patients. I don't know if his doctors will let him use this but it's worth a shot. Hope things are looking up! We have you in our prayers!
