Sunday, May 31, 2009

5 weeks

It was 5 weeks ago tonight that Corys first symptoms started.

We are still at the hospital. Cory got changed to whats called a mechanical soft food diet yesterday. That just means that instead of all of his food being pureed he just eats really really soft food very slowly and in small bites. We have to sit him up as close to a 90 degree angle as we can so that it is easier for him to use gravity in controlling the food in his mouth. He seems to really enjoy eating it and we are even noticing that with his taste that has come back that he might be more sensitive to taste; just like he is really sensitive to touch. He doesn't want me to put salt on anything and thinks everything is delicious.

Unfortunately every time he eats he gets a headache and doesn't feel very good. So that's why we are still in the hospital. They just want to make sure that he does ok with the food before they send him back to the other facility. He still has his g-tube just in case something goes wrong but so far so good.

He also still has his trech but it is capped full time now day or night. I believe that they are waiting until he can eat "normal" food without aspirating before they take it out.

Cory has been very emotional the last few days. He really gets down on himself because he thinks that he should be doing better. But I want all of you to know that he really is doing well. We just have to help him see and know how good he is doing. So my job lately consists of constant encouragement.

His left calf has been really really sore for a few days and he feels like he probably hurt it some how.

We are still hoping to move to the rehab center this week so lets keep our fingers crossed that we make it there.


  1. How great that Cory can eat soft food and that it taste good is an added blessing. I want you both to know how good Rubi did in the nursery yesterday. She got off of Jan's lap and participated in the game we played during our lesson. She played all during play time with out sitting on anyones lap and when clean up time came, she was our very best helper! Rubi is so precious and I truly enjoy having her in the nursery. Cory, I continue to pray for you each day and am grateful for the progress you are making.

  2. Okay.... when you get out please please call Dr. Douglas Dever and just go see him. LONG story... Lots of details. You don't know me, but you'll love me forever if you take this tip for Cory. Honestly. Dr. Dever is located on Lindsey and Gilbert Road.
