Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

This morning Cory's brother Scottie took the early shift at the hospital so Chaney could come to church and listen to her little brother give his talk after returning from his mission last week. As Chaney was getting ready to leave for the hospital, Scottie called and told Chaney she needed to come asap because the doctors wanted to discuss replacing the ventilator with a tracheotomy. This news was hard to hear, even though it is better for Cory. After learning all the pros and cons the decision was made that he will receive the tracheotomy tomorrow afternoon. The sooner you can get off a ventilator, the quicker the recovery, the less damage is done to the vocal chords, and physical therapy will go more smoothly. Chaney mentioned that she is glad Cory will come out of all this with a battle wound to always remind them of this struggle.

Rubi got to go down with Chaney and love on her dad. Even though he is not the same, her spirit is always lifted when she gets to see him. It is amazing that this little 2 year old is so strong, to not be intimidated by all the tubes and doctors, and smells, and machines. She sees her daddy through all of that and loves him. What a sweet precious child.

Cory was very awake and alert today, which is not good news for him. He would rather just sleep and let his body fight this disease.

He was surrounded by his family today, and every day. His parents, sister Becky, brothers Scottie and Ty along with his wife Steph and their two kids were all there. Chaney also got a visit from a dear friend from their last ward. That really lifted her spirit. I'm sure this is not what Teresa had in mind for mothers day, I know it wasn't what Chaney had planned, however all are grateful to spend time with Cory and support him through this.

Just a side note, Cory's brother is really stepping up and even remembered to make sure his brother didnt forget his wife on mothers day. Chaney really loves the heart necklace, it rocks! Good job Scottie!


  1. Thanks for the updates. Our thoughts and prayers for you and your family are with us day and night. Cory is one of the most helping, selfless friends!! Please keep us posted on what we can do to help.

    P.S. I broke my blogging virginity for you Cory, being that this is the first comment I have ever posted.

    Hang in there Cory, Love you BRO!

    Spencer Jones

  2. I've been following this since Trav called me with the news. What's the deal with visitors? I'd like to come by and see the man.

    Jon Barnes

  3. Happy Mothers Day to all you sweet Mother's! What a tough Mother's Day to have to have. I am so glad the whole family was there with Cory. You are all in my thoughts constantly.
