Monday, July 20, 2009


So its kind of eerie how NORMAL life is starting to be again.

Cory is back to work almost full time again already (I know surprise surprise, you cant keep a work-a-holic away for long). He is no where near being able to drive again so he gets picked up and dropped off everywhere he needs to go. My little brother just laughs because Cory has always talked about wanting to get a limo or some large comfortable car and hire someone to just drive him around to where he needs to be so he can work in the back of the car. Isn't it awesome that Cory's wish came true. HAHA...

Anyways, Cory decided this week that he doesn't need his walker or his braces around the house. I think he's just lazy and would rather take the risk of falling then take the time to put everything on. (But hey I don't blame him its takes a lot of work to "suit up")

He has done pretty good as far as walking goes, he has only fallen "bad" two or three times. Unfortunately it always seems to happen as we are putting Rubi to bed. Don't ask me why but every time Cory stands up after our song and prayer he seems to fall...and then we just laugh for about 30 secs. and try to get out of her room before she gets too hysterical. HAHA!

Cory has continued to go to out patient therapy and he is doing really really great. Last week however he did loose his pants in the pool. I wasn't there but he said that it was Hilarious and the therapists said she has never had that happen before. (I guess that's what happens when you loose 30lbs. I suppose I better go to the store and buy him some new swim suits)

We are sad to say that our insurance wont cover us to go back to Mayo Clinic to get his follow up evaluations done. We were really bumed because we wanted to go see the neurology team that really got Cory through the rough times. My next quest will be to find a good neurologists that is on our insurance. Cory still needs another EMG to see how much nerve damage has been done. His feeling is a long ways from normal so the test should let us know a little better how long it will take for his recovery.

Well that's about's to our NEW NORMAL!!!!

O and one more thing Cory got to go to the movies for the first time. He LOVES the movies so that was such a fun treat for both of us.


  1. I love getting your updates and hearing that Cory keeps moving along. Way to go on getting back to work Cory! Did Chris come by to drop off the package I sent yet? If he hasn't call him up and tell him to get his butt over there.

  2. So great! I'm so happy for you guys! You have really come together as a family through all of this and I couldn't be more proud of your strength! Love you!

  3. this is such a good post! i'm so glad things are getting back to normal for you guys :) you both deserve it!
