Monday, January 23, 2012

We Can Choose - Family Home Evening Lesson Eight

  • bowl of different colored jelly beans
  • pencils and paper



Show the bowl of jelly beans. Let each child choose and eat one. Talk about the choices the make each day and how important they are. Possible compare importances of each choice.

Ask the to listen as you read the following story about a boy named Brent. Ask them to:

  • THUMBS UP - Brent chooses RIGHT
  • THUMBS DOWN - Brent chooses WRONG
After each sentence pause to note where they point their thumbs.

Brent's Day

Brent stayed in bed after mother called him twice. When he did get up, he dressed himself except for tying his shoes.

At breakfast he took a piece of bacon from his sister's plate while she was not looking. After breakfast he let Sally, his sister, play with his new truck because he felt sorry that he had taken the bacon.

He came in promptly when mother called him for lunch, even though he was having fun.

When mother told him to take a nap, he and Sally whispered and giggled and did not go to sleep.

Later, he shared half his cookie with Billy Jones.

He did not cross the street when the other kids did because his father had told him not to.

He picked one of Mrs. Brown's red tulips because it was so pretty. He gave the tulip to mother. He obeyed his mother and went and told Mrs. Brown he was sorry to have picked her tulip and asked if she wanted him to pay for it. He didn't talk back to Mrs. Brown when she scolded him for picking one of the tulips she liked so much. He felt bad and told her he would never do it again.

He brought the paper to his father when he came home. He helped mother set the table by putting the napkins on. He fed his dog.

During dinner, he tried to feed his spinach to the dog after father had told him to eat it.

When it was time to go to bed, he undressed himself and hung up his clothes. He prayed to his Heavenly Father. Then he went to sleep without whispering and giggling with Sally.


Discuss the story of Brent and the many choices he made. Sometime right, sometimes wrong - but he kept trying to make right choices.

Ask the children to think of some of the choices they make every day.

Use picture to give them ideas.

Explain that some choices are more important than others but that they all have consequences. One consequence might be how they feel

Mention one good choice each child has make during the past week. Encourage them to think about the choices they make during the coming week.

During the week, give your children little opportunities that will help them learn to make choices.

At mealtime during the week, talk about the choices the children have made during they day.




Go get ice cream cone
Go to Deseret Book and get copy of new Friend Magazine

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